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Chasof zero'a kodshecho
Vekorev ketz hayeshu'ah
Nekom nikmas dam avodecha
Me'uma haresho'oh
Ki archo lonu hayeshu'ah
V'ein ketz l'ymei haro'oh
Decheh Admoyn b'tzeil tzalmoyn
Hokem loni roeh shivah

Bavayz dein koach dayn vinder
Ind treist shoyn dayn tayere kinder
Mir yugt unz mir ploogt unz mir shloogt unz in goolass
sovel min almonous
gevalt Tatta hob rachmonus
V'ein ketz l'ymei haro'oh
Nekom - nem nekuma
Shik shoin dayna nechuma
Hashem kirvo Ish Milchomo
Der velt brent mit shvereh nisyoinus
Der'yaitzer far firt una a shir- hoy
Halt im nor- aroog
Vet nisht zayn mer avoynos
Vest zeyn mir vet loifen nuch dir

Chasof zero'a kodshecho
Vekorev ketz hayeshu'ah
Charbunos–Korbunos–fallen un rachmunos
Enfer ins shoin Tatten-yoh
Mein kind ich vein keseder
ich zey de mames leider
Der Schinah shreit oich Gevalt
Eliyohu der getrier shaliach
Brengt eich shoin meshiach
V'Tikkun ha'shoolem kimpt balt
yetzt kimt shoyn de tzeit fin his'galess
a sof shoyn tzim malchis ha'roosho
der velt vet yet zein
meine kinder'lechs mayless
Aheim mit der roeh shivoh
Bare Your holy arm
and hasten the End for salvation
Avenge the vengeance of Your servant's blood
from the wicked nation
For the salvation is too long delayed for us
and there is no end to days of evil
repel the red one [Esau] in the nethermost shadow
and establish for us the seven shepherds

Reveal your strength - your wonder
and console already your dear children
they persue us they pain us they beat us in exile
suffers and carries all widows
Gevalt O' Father have Mercy
and there is no end to days of evil
Avenge – take revenge
send already your consolation
Hashem draw nearer the Man of War
the world is burning with difficult trials
the inclination send us everywhere
hold him comfortingly
there will be no more sins
you will see we will run after you

Bare Your holy arm
and hasten the End for salvation
Destruction–Sacrifices–falling without Mercy
Please answer us already Dear Father
My children I cry as usual
I see the mothers suffering
the Schinah also shouts Gevalt
Elijah the reliable messenger
Bring already the Moshiach
the rectification of the peace comes soon
now comes already the time for [Hashems] revealing
an end already to the wicked kingdom
the world will yet see
my children's attributes
at home with the Seven Shepard's

Mordechai Ben David
Maminim Bnei Maminim Track 7

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