Achrey she'ahav
Hitbayashti lirkod
Eich amadeti livkot
Achrey she'ahav

Achrey she'ahav
Shikora bli lishtot
Ratziti rak od
Achrey she'ahav

Achrey she'ahav hayinu gdolim
Lo hayu li milim
Achrey she'ahav
Hirgashti miyad
Meyuchedet kol kach

Uma kvar haya
Ulai hazaya
Negi'a raka
Umabat chalav
Nitzotz rishoni
Shelach vesheli
Erev aviv
Achrey m'ea shnot stav
Uma kvar haya

Achrey she'ahav
Lo haya li avar
Hazman ne'etzar
Achrey she'ahav
Achrey she'ahav
Lo hayta od bdidut
Lo ichpat li lamut
Achrey she'ahav

Achrey she'ahav hayinu gdolim
Lo hayu li milim
Achrey she'ahav
Hirgashti miyad
Meyuchedet kol kach

Uma kvar haya
Ulai hazaya
Negi'a raka
Umabat chalav
Nitzotz rishoni
Shelach vesheli
Erev aviv
Achrey m'ea shnot stav
Uma kvar haya


After he loved
I was shy to dance
I was about to cry
After he loved

After he loved
I was drunk but not from wine
All I wanted was more
After he loved

After he loved we were grown up
I had no words
After he loved
I immediately felt
So special

So what was there
May be an illusion
A soft touch
A milky look
An initial spark
Yours and mine
A Spring evening
After 100 years of Autumn
So what was there

After he loved
I had no past
Time stopped
After he loved
After he loved
I wasn't lonely
I don't care if I die
After he loved

After he loved we were grown up
I had no words
After he loved
I immediately felt
So special

So what was there
May be an illusion
A soft touch
A milky look
An initial spark
Yours and mine
A Spring evening
After 100 years of Autumn
So what was there

אחרי שאהב

Hebrew words

Yehonatan Gefen
Rami Kleinsten
Remazim Track 5

Words transliterated and translated by Chana Shuvaly of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew

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