Hi belibi achshav, betoch libi, k'mo harbeh tz'lalim k'mo harbeh sh'vilim k'mo ashan. Hi rak sheli achshav, hi bechubi, kenof harbeh alim k'mei nahar k'chulim, achshav hi kan.
Ahavtiha ani yode'a zot pit'om, ahavtiha pit'om achshav, pit'om hayom. Ken hi sheli achshav, k'mo hashir, olah hi mitochi, olah bechol kochi, k'mo hashir.
Ani kore bekol, ho, bnei adam umer'chavei ei sham vechol ruchot hayam, vehagalim. Shm'u gagot ha'ir, shm'u kvisim, batim ve'anashim d'mamot vera'ashim, shm'u koli.
Ve'et eini kore bishmech, ani rak metzapeh lit'shuvatech ve'im tishme'i oti ve'et shiri hamitparetz kayam, tzo'ek el ha'olam rak/im tishme'i...
Hashmi'i kol yaldah, hashmi'i kol, dabri, sapri hakol imri: hu k'sil gadol hu lo yad'a, hu lo yad'a.
She’s in my heart now, inside my heart Like many shadows Like many paths Like smoke. She is mine alone now Like a bough with many leaves Like a river’s blue water, Now she is here.
I loved her Suddenly, I know that, I loved her Suddenly now, suddenly today. Yes she is mine now Like the song. Rising from within me, Rising with all my strength, Like the song.
I call aloud, hey, human beings And open spaces somewhere And all the sea winds, and the waves. Hear, city rooftops, Listen streets, Houses and people Silences and noises, Hear my voice.
I loved her…
And you, where are you? Where? Where? I don’t call your name, I just wait expectantly for your reply And if you should hear me And my song Bursting forth like the sea Crying out to the world If you should hear…
I loved her…
…then raise your voice, girl, let it be heard Speak, tell all Say: What an utter fool he is He didn’t know. He didn’t know.