K'tav yadech ha'lo mukar li,
vekolech hamehap'net.
Tziltzulech hatelefoni
shichn'a oti latzet,
mehabayit hacham lar'chov hakasheh
el ha'olam.

Hitpatalti k'shekarat li,
ki asur hayah li az,
lefaresh et simanaich ke'otot shel ahavah.
Kvar shachachti matai afti,
umatai et kol chushai
ibadti kach.

Ha'im samt lev ani bikashti,
rak d'varim she'ein
mekomot avudim
simanim shel esh.
Chayay beTel Aviv, hesderim romanti'im
hitbonenut p'nimit,
umah shehe'emanti.
Kach yatz'ati el haderech,
k'shehig'ati bati
ne'emad'ti badelet, mah yad'ati lo yad'ati,
hitpashat'ti vezazti k'mo metoraf bacheder.
Elohim amart, shavu'a tisha'er po,
gam ani hirgashti kach,
ki ani nivreti lach.

Anashim she'lo amdu
beketzev hachaim hazeh,
hishtag'u, hitabdu,
o halchu le'azazel.
Bachashechah babayit hacham,
zeh koreh.

Ha'im samt lev ani bikashti,
rak d'varim she'ein
mekomot avudim
simanim shel esh.
Chayay beTel Aviv, hesderim romanti'im
hitbonenut p'nimit,
umah shehe'emanti.
Kach yatz'ati el haderech,
k'shehig'ati bati
ne'emad'ti badelet, mah yad'ati lo yad'ati,
hitpashat'ti vezazti k'mo metoraf bacheder,
shneinu yachad k'var shavu'a k'mo gan eden
mesukan lanu kol kach;
ki ani nivreti lach.


Your unknown handwriting,
and your hypnotist's voice
your telephone call
convinced me to leave
from the warm house to the tough street
to the world.

I turned back when you called me,
because it was forbidden for me ever since,
to interpret your signs as indications of love.
I already forget when I flew
and when all my senses
I lost thusly.

If you had paid attention, I asked
only things which aren't
lost places
signs of fire.
My life in Tel Aviv, romantic arrangements
and what I believed.
So I went on my way,
when I arrived I came
I stood in the doorway, what I knew I didn't know
I undressed and moved in the room like a madman.
God you said, stay here a week,
I also felt the same,
because I was made for you.

People who didn't deal
with the speed of this life,
went crazy, committed suicide
or went to hell.
Inside the darkness of the warm house
it happens.

If you had paid attention, I asked
only things which aren't
lost places
signs of fire.
My life in Tel Aviv, romantic arrangements
and what I believed.
So I went on my way,
when I arrived I came
I stood in the doorway, what I knew I didn't know
I undressed and moved in the room like a madman,
us two together already a week like in Paradise
so very dangerous for us;
because I was made for you.

Hebrew words

Video of this Song

Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Liron Lev
July August Heat - Chom Yuli August CD 2 Track 4
Kochav Nolad 2 Track 1
Israel Shiker

Words transliterated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Words translated by Louis Pasek of Tel Aviv, Israel.
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