א יידישע מאמע 

Ikh vil bay aykh a kashe fregn,
Entfert ver ez ken.
Mit velkhn tayern farmegn
Bentsht g´tt alemen ?
Men koyft dos nisht far keyn shum gelt,
Dos krigt men nor umzist.
Un dokh az men farlirt dos
Vifl trern men fargist

Men hert nisht kain geveyn
O, der vos hot farloyrn
Der ken dos farshteyn.

A yidishe mame,
Es gibt kayn besers oyf der velt.
A yidishe mame, oy vey,
vi biter ven zi felt.
Vi likhtik, sheyn in hoyz,
Ven di mame iz do,
Vi finster umetik,
Ven got nemt ir oyf oylem habo.

In vasser, in fayer,
Volt zi gelofn far ir kind,
Nisht haltn zich tayer,
Dos iz geven di greste zind.
Oy, vi gliklekh un raykh,
Iz der mentsh, vos hot
Aza tayre mame,
Gebentsht fun got ,
Azan altitshke, tayre mame,
Yidishe mame mayn.

A yidishe mame,
Es gibt kayn besers oyf der velt.
A yidishe mame, oy vey,
vi biter ven zi felt.
Vi likhtik, sheyn in hoyz,
Ven di mame iz do,
Vi finster umetik,
Ven got nemt ir oyf oylem habo.



Of things I should be thankful for
I've had a goodly share,
And as I sit here in the comfort
of my cosy chair
My fancy takes me to a humble
eastside tenement
three flights up in the rear
to where my childhood days were spent
It wasn't much like Paradise
but 'mid the dirt and all
There sat the sweetest angel,
one that I fondly call -

My yiddishe mameh,
I need her more then ever now
My yiddishe mameh,
I'd like to kiss that wrinkled brow
I long to hold her hands once more
as in days gone by
and ask her to forgive me
for things I did that made her cry

How few were her pleasures,
she never cared for fashion's styles
Her jewels and her treasures
she found them in her baby's smiles
oh I know that I owe
what I am today
to that dear little lady
so old and gray
to that wonderful yiddishe mameh
of mine.

My yiddishe mameh,
I need her more then ever now
My yiddishe mameh
I'd like to kiss that wrinkled brow
I long to hold her hands once more
as in days gone by
and ask her to forgive me for things
I did that made her cry.

ééãéùò îàîà

Hebrew words
German and transliterated Yiddish words


This song was published in 1925

English translation contributed by H. Mars - February 2003

Tom Jones + John Farnham Live
An original from the 1940's - Anne Shelton
Yiddish - Regine Zylberberg

Jack Yellen; Hebrew. Avi Koren
Jack Yellen & Lew Pollack
Dudu Fisher (Track 15)
Cantor Malavsky And Choir (track 8)
The Barry Sisters (track 12)
Billie Holiday (disk 5 Track 21,22)
The Malavsky Family Sings Yiddish Track 3

Words transliterated by Reene Zufi of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Words translated by Martin Splitter of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew



Nashim rabot hen ba'olam asher otan tohav
bechol makom otan tizkor af im bis'dot hakrav
t'munoteihen itcha tisa batik or tz'havhav
achat veyechidah hi zot ahser yid'ah lichbosh levav

A yidishe mame
hen tov mimena lo ted'a,
a yidishe mame
tamid tarchik mimcha kol ra.

Ata shachachta kvar sh'not yaldut, yemei avar,
atid ha'am chashuv ki lechulanu hu yakar.

A yidishe mame
otah zanachta bapinah
a yidishe mame
al zot hi lo shamra tinah.

Ki atah halochem vegibor hayom
lo nish'arta hayeled shel t'mol shilshom
mirachok tfilatah til'vecha
biyemei milchamah veshalom.

Ratzita kvaer lihyot chayal lifnei minyan shanim
hayita az kvar mefaked al kol hayeladim
uvekravot im metate hafachta letotchan
ach mi leyom huledet lecha kantah roveh katan?

A yidishe mame
keitzad yachlah hi lesarev
a yidishe mame
lu gam bikasht et halev.

Ki mah lah ba'olam od chutz mish'arit b'sarah?
Ata zarakta et hashivah bise'arah.

A yidishe mame
hi lanu neches yechidi
a yidishe mame
k'rovah lechol lev yehudi.

Ki atah halochem vegibor hayom
lo nish'arta hayeled shel t'mol shilshom
mirachok tfilatah til'vecha
biyemei milchamah veshalom.

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