Lev shavur, perur ve'od perur, ani sofer od yom od lailah bil'adaich menaseh bemachshavot, lechaber et hak'tzavot ulereg'a lo mafsik lachshov alaich lailah kar, ani poret li al meitar ve'ohev otach bemanginah ilemet mechapes et hamag'a, menaseh leherag'a aval amok bifnim ha'ahavah nilchemet.
Lev shavur, chazak elaich kashur mevakesh otach ve'lo shoche'ach ani adam im lev shavur, be'azikaich sagur verak ahavatech hi hamafte'ach. (x2)
Ech hazman, bore'ach k'mo ashan eifoh at achshav rak elohim yode'a az im at makshivah, ha'amini ahuvah shegam im lev shavur ani mitga'age'a.
Lev shavur... (x2)
Ani adam im lev shavur, be'azikaich sagur verak ahavatech hi hamafte'ach.
Broken heart, crumble after crumble, I count another day another night without you I try thoughts, to compose the rhythms I don't stop thinking of you for a moment cold night, I'm plucking on a string and I love you in a mute tune I search for the touch, I try to relax but deep inside the love is fighting.
Broken heart, tied to you strongly I ask for you and I do not forget I'm a man with a broken heart, I am closed in your shackles and only your love is the key (x2)
Oh how the time, runs away like smoke where you are now only God knows so if you're listening, believe (me) beloved that even with a broken heart I'm longing.
Broken heart... (x2)
I'm a man with a broken heart, I am closed in your shackles and only your love is the key
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