Kach holchim hashotlim ron balev ve'et bayad min ha'ir umin hak'far, min ha'emek, min hahar bet"u bish'vat, bet"u bish'vat.
Lamah batem, hashotlim? nach hakarka uvatzar regumot s'viv nech'far baharim uvamishor bet"u bish'vat, bet"u bish'vat.
Mah y'he po, hashotlim? Sh'til yavo bechol gumah ya'ar ad yif'ros tzilo al artzeinu agumah bet"u bish'vat, bet"u bish'vat.
Thus walk the planters song in the heart, spade in hand from the city and from the village, from the valley, from the mountain on Tu Bishvat, on Tu Bishvat.
What has brought you planters here? We strike the soil and the harvest dig the marshes all around in the mountain and the plain on Tu Bishvat, on Tu Bishvat.
What will be here, planter? Seedling will come in each hole uncover until it spreads its shade over our sad land on Tu Bishvat, on Tu Bishvat.
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