B'yom aviv bahir vatzach
Otach ani zocher
Ukvar me'az heiteiv yada'ti
shelo avateir.
Ki li hayit be'vat einai
bechol yom bechol leil,
hayit li kemal'ach ha-el
mitoch ha'arafel.

Ratziti levakesh yadech,
ratziti lach lomar,
sod ahava shebilvavi
shamoor mikol mishmar
ratziti lach lomar ahavati,
ahavti ve nigmar
ach lo he'azti
gam keshehaya k'var me'uchar.

At olami im shachar
at li kol hayom
at olami balayla
at hachalom.
At bedami beruchi u'levavi
at ha'nicho'ach hamatok
haperach begani.

Meaz halach't yomi koder
aroch u'meshamem
lashav rotzeh ani lishko'ach
Chazri maher, ki bil'adayich
olami shomem
nadamu meitarei koli
vekinori domem.

At ..........


On a clear and crisp spring day
I remember you.
Already since then I knew well
that I won't give up,
for you were in my eye
every night and every day.
You were for me, as a heavenly angel
in the mist.
I wanted to ask for your hand.
I wanted to say to you
the secret of love that is in my heart
guarded from all.
I wanted to say to you, my love,
I loved and it's over
for I did not dare
also when it was too late.

You are my world at dawn.
You are mine all day.
You are my world at night.
You are the dream.
You are in my blood, my spirit and in my heart.
You are the sweet fragrance,
the flower in my garden.

Since you went my day is dimmed,
long and boring.
In vain I wish to forget
and not to notice.
Return fast, for without you
my world is desolate,
my vocal chords are silenced
and my violin is quiet.


Hebrew words
Italian - singable   

Assistance with lyrics from Yev Loevsky of Manitoba, Canada

Musical Notation and Hebrew on Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Alt link to clip of this song
View clip of this song
View clip of Zohar at Haim Moshe's party
View clip of Zohar Argov on a French tv show about this song

Avihu Medina
Avihu Medina
Zohar Argov
Eyal Golan
Zohar Argov - Greatest Hits Track 1
Original Songs from the Film Zohar Track 5
Ethnix and Eyal Golan Live Track 15
Bentzi Tiram 1982

Words transliterated and translated by Henry Lederfeind of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Italian - singable translation by Daniel Shalev of Rishon Le Zion, Israel.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com

Italian - singable

Nel mio giardino il fior

T'ho conosciuto a Primavera e mi ricordo che
dal primo giorno l'ho capito che tu sei per me.
Sei la pupilla dei miei occhi, sei nel cuore mio,
sei stata nella nebbia come un angelo di Dio.

Volevo chiederti la mano, dirti solo che
l'amor segreto del mio cuore ? riservato a te.
Volevo dirti sol che t'amo, t'amo tanto, sai,
ma non ho avuto mai il coraggio, ed ora ? tardi ormai.

Tu sei il mio mondo all'alba, tutto il giorno mia.
Il sogno mio la notte, la fantasia.
Sei dentro me, nelle vene, nel mio cuor,
Tu sei il profumo dolce, sei nel mio giardino il fior.

Te ne sei andata, io sono triste, ma non torni, no.
Io t'ho cercato dapertutto, dove cercher??
M'han detto tutti: “Lascia stare, lei non ? per te!”,
castelli in aria ancora faccio, ma non so perch?.

Te ne sei andata, il giorno ? triste e lungo da morir,
invano cerco d'ignorarti e dimenticar.
Ritorna, amore, questo mondo ? vuoto, triste e bl?,
la mia chitarra ? senza corde ed io non canto pi?.

Tu sei il mio mondo...

Please note that all these translations © are courtesy of www.hebrewsongs.com
We thank our more than 400 volunteer translators from 190 cities in 42 countries.
When sharing these words please acknowledge the address www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=haperachbegani