Betzeit'cha miSe'ir,
Betza'ad'cha mi-sdeh Edom,
Betzeit'cha miSe'ir,
Betza'ad'cha mi-sdeh Edom,
Eretz ra'ashah,
Gam shamayim nat'fu
Gam-avim nat'fu mayim.

Tidrechi nafshi oz, oz,
Tidrechi oz.

Az halmu ikvei-suss;
Midaharot, daharot abirav.
Az halmu ikvei-suss;
Midaharot abirav.
Eretz ra'ashah,
Gam shamayim nat'fu
Gam-avim nat'fu mayim.

Tidrechi nafshi oz, oz…

Ken yovdu kol-oyvehcha
Kol oyvehcha yovdu;
ketzeit hashemesh big'vurato.
Eretz ra'ashah,
Gam shamayim nat'fu
Gam-avim nat'fu mayim.

Tidrechi nafshi oz, oz…

Eretz ra'ashah,
Gam shamayim nat'fu
Gam-avim nat'fu mayim.
Eretz ra'ashah,
Gam shamayim nat'fu
Gam-avim nat'fu mayim.
Eretz ra'ashah,
Gam shamayim nat'fu
Gam-avim nat'fu mayim.

Tidrechi nafshi oz, oz…


When You left Se'ir,
When You marched out from the field of Edom,
When You left Se'ir,
When You marched out from the field of Edom,
The earth trembled,
Even the Heavens dripped,
And the clouds dripped water.

Oh my soul, stamp down on them with strength,
Stamp down with strength.

Then horse-hooves stamped
With the galloping, the galloping of its mighty Knight.
Then horse-hooves stamped
With the galloping, the galloping of its mighty Knight.
The earth trembled,
Even the Heavens dripped,
And the clouds dripped water.

Oh my soul, stamp down on them with strength…

So shall perish all Your enemies,
All Your enemies shall perish;
But those who love Him
Shall be like the sun going forth in all its might.
The earth trembled,
Even the Heavens dripped,
And the clouds dripped water.

Oh my soul, stamp down on them with strength…

The earth trembled,
Even the Heavens dripped,
And the clouds dripped water.
The earth trembled,
Even the Heavens dripped,
And the clouds dripped water.
The earth trembled,
Even the Heavens dripped,
And the clouds dripped water.

Oh my soul, stamp down on them with strength…

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Bible - Judges 5:4; 5:22; 5:31; 5:21(Song of Deborah), adapted by Naomi Shemer
Naomi Shemer
Lahakat Pikud Darom

Words transliterated and translated by Gila Ansell Brauner of Jerusalem, Israel.
Special thanks to Gary Fox of Portland, Oregon, USA for the sources & citations
Contact the publisher of Hebrew

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