Anu nos'im lapidim Beleilot afeilim. Zorchim hash'vilim mitachat ragleinu Umi asher leiv lo Hatzamei la'or - Yissa et einav velibo eileinu La'or veyavo!
Ness lo karah lanu - Pach shemen lo matzanu. La'emek halachnu, haharah alinu, Ma'ayanot ha'orot Hag'nuzim gilinu.
Ness lo karah lanu - Pach shemen lo matzanu. Basela chatzavnu ad dam - Vayehi or!
We carry our torches In darkest depths of night. The paths beneath our feet are bright. Anyone who has a heart Which for light is parched Should lift up to us his eyes and heart. Join us, towards the light!
No miracle befell us - No cruse of oil found by us. We walked to vale, climbed mountain high, And there springs unearthed Of hidden lights of yore.
No miracle befell us - No cruse of oil found by us. We quarried rock until we bled - And then there was light!
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