Gam ani rotzeh latzet
lishtot lirkod levdog lishdod.
Gam ani rotzeh lachtof
le'echol litrof lizlol
lehaki et hakol,
lirmos et kol mi she'omed badarki
la'amod al sheli bli lipol.

Gam ani rotzeh ekdach katan
shepote'ach dlatot vesoger inyan.
Ani rotzeh leshalem bamezuman
mitachat lashulchan
le'eizeh eved ne'eman fodelman.

Gam ani rotzeh lishlof mehasharvul
litzchok bebitul
ulehagid bezalzul
taniti macharti sagarti kavanti
yariti pag'ati bul.

Gam ani rotzeh lihyot
ben shel mi sherimah
vehonah vekibel chaninah,
ben shel aba yesader li
chayim kalim batzava,
aba yeshalem veyevatel et hat'lunah.

Gam ani rotzeh lehishta'amem
lehitragesh lehitchaten lehitragesh,
lehashkiv lehishtamesh
lizrok ulehitkachesh,
ligmor maher larutz lesaper.

Gam ani sheyichtevu alai basport
bir'chilut bachadashot
sheyafitzu shmu'ot shemot sh'karim
skandalim vebushot.

Gam ani rotzeh lichtov roman
chinuchi vechofshani,
lechapes oti velimtzo et atzmi,
lehagid ani zeh ani zeh ani.

Ani rotzeh hachi gadol
hachi maher hachi yafeh
ani rotzeh hakol hachi tov
hachi harbeh.

Ani rotzeh et zeh muli tziv'oni t'vai
al hamasach sheli
ani rotzeh lihyot sham,
ani rotzeh lihyot sham.
Ani rotzeh gam, ani rotzeh gam.

gam ani rotzeh liknot li
kvutzot kaduregel o kadursal
ani rotzeh al hakir
tmunah shel mona lisa orginal

Ani rotzeh lihyot yadid
bein yedidei hamuze'on
gam ani rotzeh salon im chalon,
hamidgal shemashik layam hatichon
gam ani rotzeh chaver bakneset
uvemas hahachnasah

gam ani rotzeh leharitz ulehakfitz
lehafil et habursah
gam ani rotzeh shomer rosh nahag
tzamud velimuzinah gdolah
gam ani rotzeh makom
behanhalah shel maflagah,
shetikach oti etzlah
Ani rotzeh hachi gadol
hachi maher hachi yafeh
ani rotzeh hakol hachi tov
hachi harbeh.

Ani rotzeh et zeh muli
tz'vuni t'vai al hamasach sheli
ani rotzeh lihyot sham,
ani rotzeh lihyot sham.
Ani rotzeh gam, ani rotzeh gam.


I also want to go out
to drink to dance to betray to rob.
I also want to to snatch
to eat to rip to be a glutton
to throw up everything,
to trample everyone who stands in my way,
to stand on what is mine without falling.

I also want a little gun
that opens doors and closes issues.
I want to pay cash
under the table
to some worker Ne'eman Fodelman.

I also want draw from the sleeve
to laugh at cancellation
and to say in swearwords
I bought I sold I closed I aimed
I shot I struck the target.

I also want to be
the son of someone who swindles
and defrauds and got a pardon,
son of a daddy who'll set up
the easy life in the army,
daddy will pay and take care of the complaint.

I also want to be bored,
excited, married, excited
to put to bed, to use,
to throw (out) and to disown,
to finish fast, run to tell.

It's also me who they'll write about in sports,
rumours and news
May they spread rumours, names, lies,
scandals and shameful things.

I also want to write a novel
educational and all-revealing
to search for me and find myself,
and to tell that's me, that's me.

I want the biggest,
the fastest, the nicest
I want the best of everything,
and the most of everything.

I want this in front of me, colourful,
natural on my screen
I want to be there,
I want to be there.
I also want, I also want.

I also want to buy myself
soccer or basketball teams
I want on the wall
an original mona lisa painting

I want to be one of the friends
of the museum
I also want a salon with a window,
a building that faces the mediterranean
I also want a friend in the Knesset
and in the Income Tax (dept.)

I also want to make the market run,
jump and fall
I also want a guard a private driver
and a big limo
I also want a spot in the
executive of the party,
that will take me with it on its side
I want the biggest, fastest, nicest
I want the best, the most.
I want the very best
and the most.

I want this in front of me, colourful,
natural on my screen
I want to be there,
I want to be there.
I also want, I also want.

Hebrew words

Yehudah Poliker And Ya'akov Gil'ad
Yehudah Poliker
Yehudah Poliker
The Best of Yehuda Poliker - 2nd disc Track 3
Rafi Ziv
Demonstrated by Rafi Ziv

Words transliterated and translated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Portuguese translation by Helena Wajsfels Zins of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew



Tamb?m quero sair
beber, dan?ar, induzir a roubar
Tamb?m quero agarrar
correr, dilacerar, ser glut?o,
desistir de tudo,
esmagar quem se intrometer no meu caminho
me basear no que ? meu sem errar.

Tamb?m quero um pequeno trunfo
que abra portas e acabe com problemas.
Quero pagar em dinheiro
por baixo da mesa
a algum empregado da Ne'eman Foldeman.

Tamb?m quero tirar a luva,
rir da anula??o
e dizer em meio a palavr?es
eu comprei, vendi, planejei
carreguei chumbo, atingi o alvo.

Tamb?m quero ser
o filho de algu?m que engana,
trapaceia e obt?m o perd?o.
Filho de um pai que vai subornar
a vida f?cil no ex?rcito,
pai que pagar? e cuidar? da den?ncia.

Tamb?m quero ficar ? toa,
agitado, casado, excitado,
ir pr? cama, aproveitar,
expulsar, repudiar,
acabar r?pido, correr pr? conversar.

Tamb?m sou eu quem vai escrever
sobre esportes, boatos e not?cias.
Podem eles espalhar rumores, nomes, mentiras
esc?ndalos e ciosas vergonhosas.

Tamb?m quero escrever um romance
educacional e altamente revelador
Procurar por mim e me encontrar
e dizer "sou eu, sou eu".

Quero ser o maior,
o mais r?pido, o mais bonito
quero ser o melhor de todos
e o principal de qualquer coisa.

Quero isto na minha frente, colorido,
espont?neo em minha tela
quero estar aqui
quero estar aqui
tamb?m quero, tamb?m quero.

Tamb?m quero me contratar
para times de futebol e basquete
Tamb?m quero na parede
o original da Mona Lisa.

Tamb?m quero ser um
dos patronos do Museu
Tamb?m quero uma sala grande com vista
num pr?dio em frente ao Mediterr?neo
Tamb?m quero um amigo no Knesset
e no departamento de Imposto de Renda.

Tamb?m quero fazer a bolsa disparar,
oscilar e cair
Tamb?m quero uma escolta, um motorista
particular e uma grande limusine
Tamb?m quero um lugar
na administra??o da festa
que me leve a ficar ao seu lado.
Quero o maior, o mais r?pido, o mais belo
quero o melhor, quero o principal.
Quero o melhor dos melhores,
o principal dos principais.

Quero isto na minha frente, colorido,
espont?neo em minha tela
quero estar aqui,
quero estar aqui
tamb?m quero, tamb?m quero.

Please note that all these translations © are courtesy of
We thank our more than 400 volunteer translators from 190 cities in 42 countries.
When sharing these words please acknowledge the address