Eizeh shi'amum bishvil mah bichlal ata kam baboker ke'ilu sheyesh lecha sibah.
Ata tzarich ahavah chadashah kazot sheta'ir otcha vetirtzeh mimcha od.
Nas'ata lefo ulesham bishvil mah litro'ach bichlal harei basof tit'ka od pa'am.
Ata tzarich...
Halachta leveit cholim bishvil mah, ata harei lo mamash choleh ulai kvar kedai lig'mor im zeh.
Lasim eizeh mashehu al harosh bishvil lo lir'ot eizeh bad shachor o ulai pashut lik'shor sakit plastik pashut lik'shor sakit al harosh.
Ata tzarich... |
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