Od mechaka la'echad
Chalom yashan od melava,
lo nevgad.
Mechaka laechad
ezaheh oto miyad.
Od mechaka laechad
Asher yaskiach be'einav
Et haolam veke'evav
Shechotam sfatav
yatbia bi la'ad.

Od mechaka laechad,
Od neachezet bachalom,
lo em'ad.
Mechaka laechad
Shehivtichu li
basefer menukad
Od mechaka, lo efchad,
Gam im hazman shinav no'etz,
Od yesh bi ruach ad ein ketz
Shetzipor nafshi
bekaf yado tir'ad.

Im yesh ahava, Im yesh ahava
Im yesh ahava ba'olam,
Oz hechan hi halayla?
Im yesh ahava, im yesh ahava,
Achakeh la
ad yachlu yamai veleilam.

Od mechaka laechad,
Milim rakot od mamtinot tzad betzad
Mechaka laechad
Sheyanif bi
et hadegel hamurad.
Od mechaka, lo efchad,
Ashiv lela'ag bidmama,
Amtin lo kan zkufat koma,
Shelibo ufiv shavim,
rak lo bilvad


Still waiting for the one
An old dream still accompanies me,
Waiting for the one
When he appears
I will realize him immediately.
Still waiting for the one
That in his eyes
The world and its pain will be forgotton
For the one
That the mark of his lips
will drown within me forever

Still waiting for the one
Still grasping at the dream,
without falter
Waiting for the one
That was promised to me
in punctuated scripture
Still watiting, I won't be afraid
Even if with time a cog is fouled,
Spirit without end is still within me
For the one
That the songbird of my soul
will tremble in his hand.

If there is love, if there is love
If there is love in the world
Where is it tonight?
If there is love, if there is love,
I will wait for it
until my days and nights are through.

Still waiting for the one,
Soft words are still waiting side by side
Waiting for the one
That will wave within me
the flag of rebellion
Still waiting, I won't be afraid,
I will withstand the redicule in silence
I will stand for him here straight in stature
For the one
That his heart and words match;
just him alone.

Hebrew words
Alt. words

Video of song
Video of song in tribute to Ofra Haza

Ehud Manor
Sasha Argov
Ofra Haza

Words transliterated and translated by Mark Hafter of Kibbutz Sasa, Israel.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com

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