Born in Sheptovka, Volhynia region. Came to Eretz Yisrael in 1920 with the Hechalutz youth movement.

Dr. Yoel Walbe was a composer, musical arranger and conductor of various amateur and orchestral ensembles. He also taught music at Levinsky Teachers College, wrote folk songs, dance music and children’s songs for Jewish festivals.

Walbe studied music at the Vienna Conservatory before the War and completed his PhD on the history of Israeli folksong at Vienna University in 1964.

Recipient of the Angel Award for his composition, “Cantata for Shabbat” in 1955 and the 1984 ACUM Prize for his “Trio for pianoforte, violin and cello”.
Yoel Wolbe Zemereshet page (Hebrew)
National Library of Israel Joel Walbe page
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