Od ned'a yamim tovim me'eleh
od ned'a yamim tovim pi elef
shorasheinu ya'amiku sel'a
kmo arazim bahar.

Od ned'a yamim tovim me'eleh
od namtik meimav shel yam hamelach,
kesadeh yarok achar hashelef
ke'eshed belev midbar.

Yachad - kol haderech
yachad - lo acheret
yad beyad noshit latov
she'od yavo, ba yavo.
Yachad - kol haderech
yachad - lo acheret
yachad ish el ish yiftach et levavo.

Rak im na'amin be'oz haru'ach
rak im na'amin velo nanu'ach
min hameitzarim el yam patu'ach
kemayim rabim nis'ar.

Rak im na'amin vadai natzli'ach
rak im na'amin vadai nagi'a
beyamim shel sa'ar baraki'a
ke'esh hatamid niv'ar.

Yachad - kol haderech...



We shall yet know better days than these
we'll know a thousand times better days
our roots will deepen in stone
like cedars on a mountain.

We shall yet know better days than these
we'll sweeten the Dead Sea waters,
like a green field after the stubble
like a waterfall in the middle of the desert.

Together - all the way
together - no other way
hand in hand we'll extend for the good
that shall yet come, surely come.
Together - all the way
together - no other way
together one's heart will open to another.

Only if we believe in the wind's strength
only if we believe and we won't rest
from the straits to the open sea
like great water's we shall rage.

Only if we believe we'll surely succeed
only if we believe we'll surely get there
on days of storm in the sky
like an ever-burning fire.

Together - all the way...


Hebrew words

Shimrit Or
Kobi Oshrat
Hakol Zorem
Chalav Ud'vash
Lehakat Pikud Hamerkaz

Words transliterated and translated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com

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