Uch'shehashemesh nimcheket bashamaim
vehalev metaftef li
derech ha'einaim hachumot
az ani zocher sheyesh einaim
sherotzot oti karov
ani yode'a shezachiti le'ehov.

Uch'sheharu'ach ach'rei hatzohoraim
hi mefazaret anafim k'tanim
uventaim zeh naim
az ani aozher sheyesh einaim
shero'ot otikarov
va'ani yode'a shezachiti le'ehov
ani yode'a shezachiti le'ehov.

Uch'shehashemesh yotzet me'al hamaim
umatchil od yom afor uventaim ein sibah
az ani zocher sheyesh s'fataim
sherotzot oti karov
ani yode'a shezachiti le'ehov
ani zocher sheyesh s'fataim
sherotzot oti karov
ani yode'a shezachiti le'ehov.


And when the sun is erased in the sky
and my heart drips
through my brown eyes
then I remember that there are hands
that want me near
I know that I have won love.

And when the wind in the afternoon
spreads little branches
and in the meantime it's pleasant
then I remember that there are eyes
that see me near
and I know that I have won love,
I know that I have won love.

And when the sun comes out above the water
and another gray day begins, and meanwhile there's no reason
then I remember that there are lips
that want me near
I know that I have won love
I remember that there are lips
that want me near
I know that I have won love.

Hebrew words

Soundtrack to the movie "Walk on Water"
Watch video of this song

Ivri Lider
Ivri Lider
Ivri Lider
It's Not The Same CD Track 4

Words transliterated and translated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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