Vekol haderech, ken, kol haderech
k'shehem tzachku, nirdamti sham.
Lo mitzta'er she'lo he'ert oti.
Chalamti shehakol kmo az.

Olam mitmotet, merov ambitzi'ot,
merov she'ahavti, lo ahavt.
Mas'a badimyon ki sham hachi tov.
Chalamti shehakol kmo az.

Kmo az matz'ati li bachoshech
sigariah lehadlik, kmo az.
Kmo az yashavti li bachoshech
sham at nimtzet iti kmo az.

Hayah od or, chamesh be'erech,
lo zman ahavah, lo zman vidui,
lo, lo shikor, kar'ati berech
amarti: "lo same'ach, lo atzuv,
titchatni iti shuv?"

Kmo az nanati lach bachoshech,
taba'at anakit, kmo az.
Kmo az yashavnu shuv bachoshech,
sham at nimtzet iti kmo az.

Kmo az nanati lach bachoshech,
taba'at anakit, kmo az.
Kmo az ahavt oti bachoshech,
sham at nimtzet iti kmo az.

Vechol haderech, ken, kol haderech
lo mitzta'er she'lo he'ert oti.


And the whole way, yes, the whole way
when they laughed, I fell asleep there.
I'm not sorry that you didn't wake me.
I dreamt that all is like it was then.

The world collapses, from all the ambitions,
because I loved, you didn't love.
A journey in the imagination
because there it is the best.
I dreamt that all is like it was then.

Like then I found myself in the darkness,
a cigarette to light up, like then.
Like then I sat myself in the darkness,
there you're with me, like then.

It was still light, around five,
not lovetime, not confession time,
no, not drunk, I kneeled down
said: "not happy, not sad,
will you marry me again?"

Like then I gave you in the darkness,
a big ring, like then.
Like then we sat again in the darkness,
there you're with me, like then.

Like then I gave you in the darkness,
a big ring, like then.
Like then you loved me in the darkness,
there you're with me, like then.

And the whole way, yes, the whole way
I'm not sorry that you didn't wake me.

Hebrew words


Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Yareach (Moon) Track 2
Rafi Ziv

Words transliterated and translated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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