Atzma'i bashetach
lo tzarich tovot
lo machzik bechol mechir
reshimat k'tovot

Mechapes bachoshech
chomer lil'chishah
lemarkah sheyitakel
be'oznei ha'ishah

Holech batel
holech batel

Har'chovot not'nim lo
zman bli chesh'bonot
hu matzli'ach la'avor
bein ha'elbonot

Mechapes bachoshech
tz'lil echad ashir
lemarkah sheyitakel
behem'shech hashir

Holech batel
holech batel

Be'einav yesh mah-zeh-kol-zeh?
be'oznav yesh tz'chok
mah shenachirav avru kvar
piv rotzeh litz'ok

Mechapes bachoshech
shemetz lir'oto
lemarkah sheyitakel
pet'a bemoto

Holech batel
holech batel

S'roch echad karu'a
s'roch echad kvar ein
pa'am tza'ad lo batu'ach
pa'am tza'ad ken


Independent in the area
doesn't need favours
doesn't hold on at any cost
to his address book

Looking for in darkness
some material to whisper
to a coincidence that will bump into him
in the ears of his wife

He's a loafer
he's a bum

The streets give him
time without accountability
he succeeds to pass
by the insults

Looking for in darkness
one rich sound
to a coincidence that will bump into him
for the rest of the song

He's a loafer
he's a bum

In his eyes there's "what's all this?"
in his ears there's laughter
what already passed through his nostrils
his mouth wants to scream

Looking for in darkness
a bit to see him
to a coincidence that will bump into him
suddenly with his death

He's a loafer
he's a bum

One shoe lace is torn
the other's one is gone
sometimes his step is uncertain
sometimes he walks ok

Photo of Artist & Hebrew words

From http://www.stat.tamu.edu/~sherman/Jmusic/lyrics/loafer.html

Meir Ariel
Ariel Zilber
Meir Ariel
Lehakat Tamuz

Words transliterated and translated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com

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