Hine ani nitzol nafshi
Yotze el hachofshi
Amok mitoch atzmi
Barur umuchashi

Hine mitoch tzinok chayai
Noladeti elai
Te’om she’en lo ach
Nifrad lo yishachach

Hine ha’or shel zman acher
Ole umesanver
Me’ir et da’ati
Noshem et nishmati

Ani nolad shuv ze yom huledet
Ani hanefesh bli moledet
Ani haru’ach hanodedet
Yatom shel Elohim

Hine muli nishkefet la
Hakikar ha’azuva
Otefet ushleva
Rak sham emtza tshuva

hine chayai ha’acherim
notru chasrey onim
kmo zichronot pzurim
olim bi nim lo nim

hie ha’or shel zman acher
me’ir le’or haner
kotev et da’ati
noshem et nishmati

ani nolad shuv……


Here I am the survivor of my soul
I am set free
Deep from within me
Clear and tangible

Here from the solitary confinement of my life
I was born to myself
A twin who has no brother
Separated but not forgotten

Here is a light of another time
Comes up and blinds
Lights up my mind
Breathes my breath

I am reborn, it is a birthday
I am the soul without a homeland
I am the wandering wind
God’s orphan

Here in front of me is viewed
The deserted square
Wrapping and peaceful
Only there will I find an answer

Here is my other life
Left helpless
Like scattered memories
Rising in me half asleep

Here is a light of another time
Shines in the light of the candle
Writes my mind
Breathes my breath

I am reborn…..

Hebrew words

Read about the album Ahava Al Tnai

Yehuda Poliker
Yehuda Poliker
Yehuda Poliker
Ahava Al Tnai 2010 Track 4

Words transliterated and translated by Chana Shuvaly of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
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