Al hanegev yored leil hastav
Umatzit kochavim cheresh cheresh
Et haru'ach over el hasaf
Ananim mechalhim al haderech.

Kvar shana, lo hirgashnu kim'at
Eich avru hazmanim besdoteinu.
Kvar shana, venotarnu me'at
Ma rabim she'einam kvar beineinu.

Ach nizkor et kulam
Et yafei hablorit vehatohar
Ki re'ut shekazot le'olam
Lo titen et libenu lishko'ach
Ahava mekudeshet bedam
At tashuvi beinenu lifro'ach.

Hare'ut, nesanucha bli milim
Afora, akshanit veshoteket
Milelot ha'eima hagdolim
At noteret adira vedoleket

Hare'ut, kinarayich kulam
Shuv bishmech nechayech venelecha
Ki re'im shenaflu al harbam
Et chaich hotiru lezecher

Ach nizkor et kulam
Et yafei hablorit vehatohar
Ki re'ut shekazot le'olam
Lo titen et libenu lishko'ach
Ahava mekudeshet bedam
At tashuvi beinenu lifroach.


In the Negev, the autumn night falls,
And it kindles the stars in the quiet,
As the breeze rustles outside the door
And the dust settles down on the highway.

Time goes on, do we notice at all
How the months have gone by one by one?
Time goes by, there are few of us left,
And so many we once knew are gone.

They are gone from our midst,
All their laughter, their youth and their splendor.
But we know that a friendship like that,
We are bound all our lives to remember,
For a love that in battle is forged,
Will endure while we live, fierce and tender.

Oh, the friendship we bore without words,
It was silent and grey, it was wordless.
From the pain and the blood of those days,
It remains with us, ardent and yearning.

In the name of that friendship we know,
In its name we'll go on, every forward,
For those friends, when they fell on their swords,
Left us this precious gift to recall them.

They are gone from our midst,
All their laughter, their youth and their splendor.
But we know that a friendship like that,
We are bound all our lives to remember,
For a love that in battle is forged,
Will endure while we live, fierce and tender.


Hebrew words
Singable Italian version   

From the Italian translator: When Israel's former Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin was killed, on 4 November 1995, I was in Rome, because my father had passed away a few days earlier. After Rabin's assassination the song "Hare'ut" by Chayim Guri resounded frequently on Israeli radio.
Chayim Guri wrote Hare'ut in the era of Israel's War of Independence (1948).

The line in the chorus: "Et Yafei hablorit vehato'ar" was strongly associated with a picture of the young Yitzhak Rabin of those days, where he featured in the company of his Palmach commander Yigal Allon. On the picture above you can clearly see Rabin's blorit (curly fringe).
Yehoram Gaon audio version
Original video of Lehakat Hanachal performing the song
Updated version by Lehakat Hanachal
Harel Skaat Memorial version

Chaim Guri
Sasha Argov
Lehakat Hanachal
Yehoram Gaon
Esther Ofarim
Harel Skaat
Others include: Zehava Ben, Shoshanah Damari - Dudu Barak - Boaz Sharabi - Hagevatron
Chord chart for this song
Sasha Argov-The Collection Track 2
Rav Hovel Track 1

Words transliterated by Daniel Shalev of Rishon Le Zion, Israel.
Words translated by Chaya Galai of Israel.
Singable Italian version translation by Daniel Shalev of Rishon Le Zion, Israel.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com

Singable Italian version


Scende notte d'Autunno di già
ed accende le stelle pian piano,
sulla soglia c'è il vento che va
e le nuvole porta lontano

Siamo qui, d'improvviso così
È passato un altr'anno, fratello.
Io e te, solo noi siamo qui,
quanti sono a mancare all'appello!

Ma son tutti con noi,
i ragazzi dai riccioli d'oro.
Amicizia si chiama, se vuoi,
il perché non mi scordo di loro,
questo patto di sangue e d'amore
che è sbocciato tra noi, come un fiore.

Amicizia, in silenzio portata,
senza voce e senza colore,
nella notte più buia e gelata
tu sei stata la fiamma e il calore.

E sei tu una luce che abbaglia,
nella gioia, una pena infinita
per gli amici, caduti in battaglia
per donare a noialtri la vita.

E son tutti con noi,
i ragazzi dai riccioli d'oro.
Amicizia si chiama, se vuoi,
il perché non mi scordo di loro,
questo patto di sangue e d'amore
che è sbocciato tra noi, come un fiore.

Ovvero: E sei tu come i giovani che son partiti così d'improvviso.
Non son più, sono morti, ma che Ci han lasciato in ricordo un sorriso.

Please note that all these translations © are courtesy of www.hebrewsongs.com
We thank our more than 400 volunteer translators from 190 cities in 42 countries.
When sharing these words please acknowledge the address www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hareut