Manginot medumot, meshatot, mezayfot
metashteshot li et sh'vil hazahav
mitnagnot bi, meshakrot li, metzikot.
Ratzi lehavin k'tzat, lehargish eizeh erech
vesamachti alaich she'at tegali li et haderech.
Venashamti avir mezuham vehalachti be'erech
hithalachti sholel ad lechan.

Ani ro'eh, ani margish
ani rotzeh, ani adish
ani chacham, ani yachol
ani gibor kol kach gadol
hakol ani, ani hakol
ani chazak, ani betoch bu'ah
stam menufach bli shum erech
veyad'ati besofo shel davar,
hi titpotzetz li baderech
hitbayashti, k'mo metzura hergashti be'erech
ve'ulai zeh hakol ad lechan
vehalevai shezeh hakol ad lechan

Anashim y'shanim, mishtag'im, mitnasim
rokdim venisrefim le'oro shel yare'ach,
lehishtage'a, lehitbade'ach,
tam ki mishehu ratzah kol kach
lehargish k'mo eizeh melech
vesamach rak alaich, she'at tegali lo et haderech
ve'amart lo she'hu meyuchad
hu ohev she'at meshakeret
hazayot, hazayot ad lechan.

Ani ro'eh, ani margish...


Phoney melodies, fooling, faking
Make the golden path blurry
Playing for me, lying to me, annoy me
I wanted to understand a bit, to feel valued
And I trusted you to reveal the way for me
And I breathed filthy air and walked thereabout
I was led astray up to this point

I see, I feel
I want I am oblivious
I am smart, I can
I am such a big hero
Everything is me, I am everything
I am strong, I am in a bubble
Just inflated, without any value
And I knew at the end
it will burst in my way
I was ashamed, like a leper, I felt thereabout
May be it is up to this point
I wish it will be up to this point.

People sleep, get crazy, experience things
They dance and gut burn under the moon’s light
To go crazy, to joke
Just because someone wanted so much
To feel like a king
And trusted only you to reveal the way
You told him he is special
He loves it when you tell a lie
Delusions delusions until this point.

I see, I feel...

Photo of Artist & Hebrew words

Amir Benayun
Amir Benayun
Amir Benayun

Words transliterated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Words translated by Chana Shuvaly of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
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