Toda al kol ma shebarata,
Toda al ma sheli natata.

Verse 1
Al or einayim,
Chaver oh shnayim,
Al ma sheyesh li ba'olam.
Al shir kolei'ach
Velev solei'ach
Shebizchutam ani kayam.

Toda al kol ma shebarata,
Toda al ma sheli natata.

Verse 2
Al tzchok shel yeled
Ushmei hat'chelet
Al adama - uvayit cham.
Pina lashevet
Isha ohevet
Shebizchutam ani kayam.

Toda al kol ma shebarata,
Toda al ma sheli natata.

Verse 3
Al yom shel osher,
T'mimut veyosher,
Al yom atzuv shene'elam.
Tshu'ot - alpayim,
Shebizchutam ani kayam.

Thanks for all that You've created,

Thanks for what You've given me.

Verse 1
For our eyesight,

A friend or two,

For what I have in the world.

For the song which flows,

And a forgiving heart -

Because of all this - I exist.


Thanks for all that You've created,

Thanks for what You've given me.

Verse 2
For a child's laughter,

And the blue sky,

For the earth - and a warm home.

A corner to sit in,

A loving woman,

Because of all this - I exist.


Thanks for all that You've created,

Thanks for what You've given me.

Verse 3
For a day of happiness,

Innocence and honesty,

For the sad day - which passed and disappeared.

Two thousand cheers,
and hands clapping.

Because of all this - I exist.

Words in Hebrew


Stávros Kougioumtzís

MUSIC Stávros Kougioumtzís
SINGER - GREEK George Dalaras
CD Greatest Hits Part 2   Track 1



Hebrew & Greek words from Tomi Kalinski of Melbourne Australia
Translation by Malka Tischler of New York, USA
Greek text and translation: and revised by Yuli Gerakoudi of Athens .
Spanish translation by Daniela Roitstein of Melbourne, Australia
Contact the publisher of Hebrew

Greek version -
Note: The original song is Greek, with a totally different meaning.  See below

Words in Greek - web version

Greek version pdf
Ola Kala All is well

'Ola kalá ki óla oréa.
Chtes* ísoun m'álone paréa.
Ke pu sokáki na traguthísis?
Then epitréponde i anamnísis.

Míla sigá ke mi fonázis.
'Imeh kutós ke me tromázis.
Then thélo kósmo ke fasaría.
'Avrio béno stin aneryía.

'Echo psichí then écho vrácho.
Páli me áfises monácho.
Keh mia siméa s'éna balkóni
Allázi chrómata ke me skotóni.

All's well and all's fine.
Yesterday you were in the company of another.
And where is there an alley to sing?
Memories are not allowed.

Speak softly and don't shout.
I am simple-minded and you frighten me.
I don't want crowds and trouble.
Tomorrow I'll be unemployed.

I have a soul, I'm not a rock.
You've abandoned me again.
And a flag on a balcony
Changes colours and slays me.

* Ch pronounced as a guttural H
like the Hebrew 'chet', but not as strong.
Spanish translation



Gracias por lo que has creado,

gracias por lo que me has dado


(Gracias) por la luz de los ojos

por uno o dos amigos,

por lo que tengo en el mundo.


Por una canción que fluye

y un corazón que perdona,

ya que por ellos estoy vivo.


Gracias por lo que has creado,

gracias por lo que me has dado.


(Gracias) por la risa de un niño,

por el cielo celeste, por la tierra,

por un hogar cálido.

Por un rincón en donde estar, por una mujer

que me ama,

ya que por ellos estoy vivo


Gracias por lo que has creado,

gracias por lo que me has dado


(Gracias) por un día de felicidad,

por la inocencia y la rectitud,

por un día triste que ha desaparecido.

Por los miles de aplausos

ya que por ellos estoy vivo.  


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