38:1 A Psalm of David, to make memorial.

38:2 O the Lord, rebuke me not in Thine anger; neither chasten me in Thy wrath.

38:3 For Thine arrows are gone deep into me, and Thy hand is come down upon me.

38:4 There is no soundness in my flesh because of Thine indignation; neither is there any health in my bones because of my sin.

38:5 For mine iniquities are gone over my head; as a heavy burden they are too heavy for me.

38:6 My wounds are noisome, they fester, because of my foolishness.

38:7 I am bent and bowed down greatly; I go mourning all the day.

38:8 For my loins are filled with burning; and there is no soundness in my flesh.

38:9 I am benumbed and sore crushed; I groan by reason of the moaning of my heart.

38:10 L-rd, all my desire is before Thee; and my sighing is not hid from Thee.

38:11 My heart fluttereth, my strength faileth me; as for the light of mine eyes, it also is gone from me.

38:12 My friends and my companions stand aloof from my plague; and my kinsmen stand afar off.

38:13 They also that seek after my life lay snares for me; and they that seek my hurt speak crafty devices, and utter deceits all the day.

38:14 But I am as a deaf man, I hear not; and I am as a dumb man that openeth not his mouth.

38:15 Yea, I am become as a man that heareth not, and in whose mouth are no arguments.

38:16 For in Thee, O the Lord, do I hope; Thou wilt answer, O L-rd my God.

38:17 For I said: 'Lest they rejoice over me; when my foot slippeth, they magnify themselves against me.'

38:18 For I am ready to halt, and my pain is continually before me.

38:19 For I do declare mine iniquity; I am full of care because of my sin.

38:20 But mine enemies are strong in health; and they that hate me wrongfully are multiplied.

38:21 They also that repay evil for good are adversaries unto me, because I follow the thing that is good.

38:22 Forsake me not, O the Lord; O my God, be not far from me.

38:23 Make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation.


Hebrew Transliteration

38:1 mizmor ledhâvidh lehazkiyr

38:2 Adonay 'al-beqetspekhathokhiychêniy ubhachamâthekha theyasserêniy

38:3 kiy-chitseykha nichathu bhiyvattinchath `âlay yâdhekha

38:4 'êyn-methom bibhsâriy mippenêy za`mekha'êyn-shâlom ba`atsâmay mippenêy chathâ'thiy

38:5 kiy `avonothay `âbheruro'shiy kemasâ' khâbhêdh yikhbedhu mimmenniy

38:6 hibh'iyshu nâmaqquchabburothây mippenêy 'ivvaltiy

38:7 na`avêythiy shachothiy `adh-me'odhkol-hayyom qodhêr hillâkhtiy

38:8 kiy-khesâlay mâl'u niqleh ve'êynmethom bibhsâriy

38:9 nephughothiy venidhkêythiy `adh-me'odh shâ'aghtiyminnahamath libbiy

38:10 'adhonây neghdekha khol-ta'avâthiy ve'anchâthiy.mimmekha lo'-nistârâh

38:11 libbiy secharchar `azâbhaniy khochiyve'or-`êynay gam-hêm 'êyn 'ittiy

38:12 'ohabhay verê`ay minneghedhnigh`iy ya`amodhu uqerobhay mêrâchoq `âmâdhu

38:13 vaynaqshu mebhaqshêynaphshiy vedhoreshêy râ`âthiy dibberu havvoth umirmoth kol-hayyomyehgu

38:14 va'aniy khechêrêsh lo' 'eshmâ` ukhe'illêm lo' yiphtach-piyv

38:15 vâ'ehiy ke'iysh 'asher lo'-shomêa` ve'êyn bephiyv tokhâchoth

38:16 kiy-lekhaAdonay hochâltiy 'attâh tha`aneh 'adhonây 'elohây

38:17 kiy-'âmartiypen-yismechu-liy bemoth raghliy `âlay highdiylu

38:18 kiy-'aniy letsela`nâkhon umakh'obhiy neghdiy thâmiydh

38:19 kiy-`avoniy 'aggiydh 'edh'aghmêchathâ'thiy

38:20 ve'oyebhay chayyiym `âtsêmu verabbu sone'ay shâqer

38:21 umeshallemêy râ`âh tachath thobhâh yisthenuniy tachathredhophiy-[rodhphiy]-thobh

38:22 'al-ta`azbhêniy Adonay 'elohay 'al-tirchaq mimmenniy

38:23 chushâh le`ezrâthiy 'adhonây teshu`âthiy

This version of the psalms is from the Jewish Publication Society (JPS),
a translation of the Hebrew Bible published in 1917.

The text is in the public domain.

Source for English:

Source for transliteration:

Visit the website of the Jewish Publication Society

Visit Sacred Texts dot com

For further queries email the publisher of Hebrew Songs dot com
Aura Levin Lipski