Betevat hado'ar mechakim li michtavim
Ne'arot kotvot li sipurim kol kach yafim
Sholchot tmuna uvatmuna hen tzochkot
chotmot ota bineshikot
Yesh achat no'ezet yeshira veinyanit
va'acheret metuka tznua uvayshanit
Mabit bahen kulan yafot
umaksimot rak michtavim vachalomot

Im hachiyuch shelach shaveh milion o dollar
Hadbiki bul shilchi oto elai badoar
Im at rotza lichbosh oti ulehaftia
at yechola lavo elai bli lehodia

Im hachiyuch….

Lifamim balayla ani stam yoshev levad
Mistakel li veshokea bemichtav echad
Uvamabat shebatmuna ani nizkar
umenashek la al ha'af
Im zo at kotevet az batuach shetedi
sheotach nishkti kshehayiti levadi
At lo yoda'at she'ani bach meuhav
umechake le'od michtav

Im hachiyuch……

Many letters await me in the mail box
girls write beautiful stories for me
They send a picture showing them laughing
and sign it with kisses
One Is daring direct and to the point
another is sweet modest and charming
I look at them they are all beautiful
only letters and dreams

If your smile is worth one dollar or a milion
Put a stamp and send it to me in the mail
If you want to capture and surprise me
you can come without notice.

If your smile is worth..........

Sometime at night I sit on my own
and sink into one letter
Remembers the smile in the picture
and kisses her on the nose
If you are the writer you need to know
that I kisses you when I was alone
You don't know I am in love with you
and await another letter

If your smile is worth

LYRICS Yossi Gispan
COMPOSER Shmuel Albaz
SINGER Eyal Golan
CD Tslil Meitar - Sound of String   Track 2



  Words transliterated and translated by Chana Shuvaly of Melbourne, Australia.
  Additional translation assistance from Nathan Beit-Aharon of Montreal, Canada
  Spanish translation by Manuel Goldstein of Madrid, Spain
  Contact the publisher of Hebrew

Spanish translation

Muchas cartas me esperan en el buzón

chicas escriben lindas historias sobre mi
Ellas mandan fotografias en las que se las ve riendo
y las firman con besos
Una es atrevida y va directamente al punto
otra is dulce, modesta y encantadora
Las miro, son todas muy bellas
solo cartas y sueños

Si tu sonrisa vale un dolar o un millón

Ponle un sello y mandamela por correo
Si quieres sorprenderme y atraparme
puedes venir de improviso

Si tu sonrisa vale un dolar o un millón....

A veces en la noche, me siento
y me sumerjo en una carta
Recuerdo la sonrisa de la fotografia
y la beso en la nariz.
Si tu eres la que me escribe, debes saber
que te beso cuando estoy solo
Tu no sabes que estoy enamorado de ti
y espero otra carta

Si tu sonrisa vale un dolar o un millón...


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